Monday 18 April 2011


Look what I have done.

What a mess - should be better later or maybe tomorrow or the day after.  I can't believe I have so much stuff I really should get busy making - maybe I will get my mojo back when its a bit tidier.  I am doing well no tears yet still laughing going to get dressed now and take Belle for a hair dye and nail polish - a treat for her helping me out.  Then I am going to be back at it.  Even Dyl has had a spring clean he has been showered on the back garden by his Dad so now he is looking and smelling a little fresher.


Kia said...

Hello :D
You are a lot braver than me, I'd never attempt a tidy up on that scale :P
My mum would love me too though!
Please can I have your address and I will get your parcel sent to you in the next few days, I'll give you my email address, so you don't have post it on here :D
Thank you :D

Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

I'm glad I am not the only one in a crafty mess at the mo .... I am going to have a serious cull in the next few days as there is just so much stuff I don't know what to make next. Good luck x

Tracey said...

Theres nothing nicer than a crafty mess! xxx