Please adjust your head to view photo or rotate your laptop if using one - i'm still learning remember! A cherry coloured chair with yukky fabric seat. Not very appealing. See the bottom of the dresser in the photo - its not quite ready yet.
A chair being painted in the kitchen - see the roses in the background £1.79 from Aldi one climbing and one fragrant tea rose - just waiting for a little bit of sunshine so I can get planting.
A pair of beauties. I am soooooooo pleased with the new look so much brighter. After I had painted them I gave them a coat of clear beeswax to protect them a little. The fabric is some I have had about 5 years I bought it in the sale at John Lewis and its perfect. I do have a few pieces of vintage Sanderson and fancied making them all different but the girl's general opinion was a strong NO and actually I agreed - they made the right choice.
Close up of fabric
All in all very pleased - a good job and a cheap one. Paint free from Annie Sloan and fabric about £9 in sale. Excellent 4 new chairs for next to nowt.
We had curry for tea tonight and I did warn everyone if they got any on the chairs there would be trouble with a capital T.
Before I say night night I must tell you a funny that Belle came out with at the tea table. She saw a man on the road in a small white van carrying a brown book. He visited my immediate neighbour and then a house further down the road. Is that man a preacher she said I asked her why she thought that and she said well I think that brown book is a bible and well he just looks like a preacher. I pointed out that he came around once every week. I know he calls a lot she said. Belle I explained that is the milkman and he is collecting his money. Oh my goodness I howled with laughter, you know, tears, snorting, struggling to breathe laughter. As you may imagine we had a very grand discussion around our tea table pointing out the differences between a preacher and a milkman. Think she watches too many American movies as we don't have preachers in our village just Vicar Margaret, a Methodist Minister oh and a Milkman. Now have tears rolling down my face.
Must just show you my hexagon progress before I retire for the night.
All different |
Whoops two photos the same
Close up each hex is a different fabric
I can't make my mind up if to make it into a cushion or to carry on to make a small quilt. Maybe I should stick to a cushion as I have already started (a year ago) a granny flower small quilt but that's hibernating.
Good night really must go now.
Good night all.